Frostbite is a limited entry event, and each year we aim to include 150 participants in the Frosty Fun. Our volunteer instructors are key to the success of this event, and each of them also looks forward to sitting in on workshops and sessions led by another person from the community of Instructors.
Thank you to everyone that has committed to joining us to bring in the New Year of fun outdoors.​ If you would like to be added to the waiting list, send us an email and we will update you folks on any openings that might occur.
Registration will open each year in mid-October and will continue until capacity is reached. Registration will be completed using the store function here on the website.
Steps for Success:
Consult the schedule, build a plan
Register for Frostbite
Select courses to attend
Choose tenting, or upgrade to various room options
Food Service? 100 meal packages will be available for purchase